Fortnite Update's Patch Notes Released, Servers Back Online

Fortnite Update's Patch Notes Released, Servers Back Online

Here's what's new in Fortnite. After a period of downtime,  Fortnite's servers are back online , bringing a new update ...

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Here's what's new in Fortnite.

After a period of downtime, Fortnite's servers are back online, bringing a new update to the game on PS4Xbox One, and PC. Update 3.1.0 brings a new point of interest to Battle Royale, as well as a new gun, the hunting rifle. Save the World, meanwhile, expands with a new weapon of its own: the Dragonfire auto-shotgun.
The new point of interest is called Lucky Landing, located on the southern edge of the island, and you can take a look at it below. Elsewhere the drop rates of various guns have been adjusted: you're 20% less likely to find a common burst assault rifle, for example, but 150% more likely to find a rare one than before. Some loot drops have been tweaked too; fewer chests will appear in Snobby Shores, Tilted Towers, and Industrial Plot from now on.
This patch was supposed to see the introduction of jetpacks, but those have been delayed to an unknown date due to a design issue that developer Epic discovered very late on. See everything that was included in the new update in the patch notes below, via Epic.
Following last week's 3.0.0 update, Season 3 of Fortnite: Battle Royale is now underway, giving players a new Battle Pass and rewards to unlock. This season's Battle Pass features 30 additional tiers--you can see all of the new Battle Royale rewards there are to unlock in our gallery. Players can also take part in Fortnite: Battle Royale's latest limited-time mode, Solid Gold. Finally, you can currently grab some free Fortnite items with Twitch Prime.

Fortnite Update 3.1.0 Patch Notes


  • Controllers and Mice can now be used in tandem.


  • Notification UI has updated animations and now promptly exits the screen when dismissed by an action.
  • Added a confirmation dialog for exiting the game using the window close button on PC.

Bug Fixes

  • Ping times displayed in the Net Debug Stats panel have been improved to be more accurate by removing frame times from the calculation.
  • Removed some heavy hitching that could occur during texture streaming.
  • Fixed issue that caused location text in Party Finder to clip into buttons, now marquees properly.
  • Fixed issue where the input icon for selecting a lobby player podium slot would disappear after switching tabs.
  • Fixed some memory leaks that resulted in crashes

Battle Royale

Weapons And Items

  • Hunting Rifle added!
    • Single shot rifle that has no scope and is effective at medium to long range.
    • Uncommon and Rare rarity.
    • Found in Treasure Chests and Floor Loot.
  • Adjusted inconsistent drop rates for various weapon rarities.
    • Burst Assault Rifle drop chance:
      • Common decreased by 20%.
      • Uncommon increased by 60%.
      • Rare increased by 150%.
    • Revolver drop chance:
      • Common decreased by 10%.
      • Uncommon increased by 33%.
      • Rare increased by 75%.
    • Tactical Shotgun drop chance:
      • Uncommon decreased by 10%.
      • Rare increased by 33%.
      • Epic increased by 75%.
    • These weapons had unnecessarily low drop rates as they progressed in rarity. This does not change the overall likelihood of finding these weapon types but it does increase your chances of finding a higher rarity version. -- Developer Comment

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed discrepancies between crosshair location and muzzle firing location when shooting at close range targets.
  • Fixed shotgun collision inconsistencies when aiming through openings or around corners.


  • The new 'Lucky Landing' point of interest has been added to the southern edge of the island.


  • You now receive Party Suggestions while in the lobby.
  • Rich presence now provides the player's party size.
  • Added new intro/outro animations to the party invite notification.
  • Invite notification now closes upon being clicked.
  • Presence text that is too long will no longer overlap the Invite/Join buttons.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't emote in lobby if a player left.
  • Fixed an issue where changing language to Chinese or Korean would not render text properly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the '60 FPS' mode to reset back to 30 after relaunching the game on PS4.
  • Fixed an issue where the Party Finder dialog could double spawn.
  • Fixed an issue where full parties would show as solo players and appear joinable.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the Invite/Join action wouldn't show correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the party bar sometimes wouldn't show party members while in a filled squad.

Art / Animation

  • Re-enabled sprinting dust effects on low settings.
  • Hip fire positioning is now maintained if a player fired recently and switched weapons.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed player jittering when sliding against a surface.
  • Fixed an issue causing other characters to not animate while spectating them after being eliminated.
  • Fixed an issue where weapons were unholstered early when using Emotes.
  • Fixed character body parts not animating at low framerates.
  • Fixed shield visual FX not properly displaying on the Alpine Ace and Crackshot outfits.
  • Updated the flag on the arm of the USA Alpine Ace to face the correct direction.


  • Reduced the volume of the Hand Cannon audio to match that of the Revolver.
  • Reduced the volume of the Windmills found in Anarchy Acres and Fatal Fields.

Bug Fixes

  • Set the volume of hitting weak points back to what it was prior to V.3.0.0.
  • Fixed an issue where building placement sound would play repeatedly while skydiving if you had the Pickaxe equipped in the lobby.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the lobby music to restart every time it was attenuated to 0 volume because of music from emotes.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Storm Audio to play from an invalid location in the map.
  • The build mode 'click' sound no longer plays while the player is downed.


  • Improved overall frame rate by using less CPU for characters that are far away.
  • Optimized weapon load times and reduced their memory usage.

Save The World


  • Spring it On! continues, adding new questline ‘Brave Beginnings’.
    • Many of us have already given up on our new year's resolutions, but Val has not. Join the brave survivor on her mission to join in the battle against the storm as a defender.
  • We have added new group missions to all theaters. Currently the mission is ‘Fight the Storm’ with encounters designed for 4 players.
    • These missions allow 4 extra Defenders to be used.
    • Rewards for group missions should be roughly double, except for Spring It On! Gold (the latter remains unchanged).
  • Impulse Grenade has been added.
    • Blast enemies into the air and off cliffs!
    • Use these to bounce yourself or your friends up to hard-to-reach places!
    • These are temporary power-ups that will be removed from the backpack at the end of the mission.
  • DragonFire shotgun is now available in the Weekly Store!
    • Shoots a cone of fiery death, damaging all husks in the area.
    • Heavy auto-shotgun, with a slower rate of fire and smaller magazine size.
  • Damage of Dragon's Roar assault rifle increased by 20%.
  • Voting has been added to the BluGlo Difficulty Pylon.
    • After inserting enough BluGlo for a difficulty bump, the voting window will appear.
    • Teams of 2 or 3 players will require 2 'Yes' votes to increase difficulty. Teams of 4 will require at least 3 'Yes' votes.
    • If vote passes, the team can vote to increase the difficulty again immediately.
    • If the vote fails, a 45 second anti-spam timeout is put into effect before another vote can be taken. The deposited BluGlo will be returned to the player who initiated the vote.
    • Voting is not required in missions with only one player.
  • Training Manuals, Trap Designs, and Weapon Designs used to evolve a schematic or person are now refunded when they are recycled/retired.
    • This refund is in addition to the 1/4/9 currently returned when you recycle or retire a Rare/Epic/Legendary item.
  • Changed 'Crit Damage versus Afflicted targets' weapon modifier from 30%/45%/60% to 45%/67.5%/90%.

Bug Fixes

  • Dragon Rocket Launcher no longer roll magazine size perks.
  • Rocket/Grenade Launchers will no longer roll headshot perks. They are also now able to roll rare durability perks.
  • Wooden Wall Spike Traps have had their Reload Speed perks removed and replaced with valid perks.
  • Wall and Floor Launcher Traps have had their Damage, Critical Chance and Critical Damage perks removed and replaced with valid perks.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to damage Lars’ van during the timed encounters.
  • Fixed small boxes of fireworks that drop red envelopes from being destroyed by Husky Propane Tank.
  • Disable Play Now button for ‘Want to Build a Hoverboard?’ Quest since the Quest is fairly dependent on players traveling to the right zone type (i.e., City zones).
  • We have temporarily disabled the Difficulty Pylon in Deliver the Bomb missions to address issues with blocking track placement.
  • Players that play in maps much lower than their current level will have their party stats clamped. We will continue rebalancing stat clamping to make sure parties of mixed levels find the content appropriately challenging.


  • [Rework] I.F.F. Coding perk
    • Plasma Pulse kills cause the Constructor's shield to regenerate at 15% of its normal rate for 2 seconds. Consecutive Plasma Pulse kills refresh the duration.
  • [Rework] Soldier's Berserker Subclass
    • In a Pinch has been removed as the level 12 perk and replaced with Up Close and Personal.
    • Kneecapper has replaced Up Close and Personal as the Berserker's level 30 perk.
    • The Soldier Perk ‘Up Close and Personal’ has been reworked:
      • Warcry applies 3 stacks of Debilitating Shots to nearby enemies.
  • Removed kill reset timer in Fragment Generation perk and changed tooltips to represent the change.
  • Fragment Generation perk kill counter no longer resets after 15 seconds.
  • Phase Shift now continues some of its momentum when used in the air. Goin' Commando!!!'s base damage has been increased from 13 to 25 damage.
    • Goin' Commando!!! is no longer flagged as a Ranged Weapon and does not benefit from Debilitating Shots.
  • Crescent Kick can now be used in the air.
  • Renamed Raider Nomad to Raider Raptor.

Bug Fixes

  • Dragon Daze tactical perk now properly shows visual FX when triggered.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed survivors to be carried with Constructors Bull Rush ability.
  • Fixed pitch angle for TEDDY's arm guns when aiming at enemies.
  • Fixed an issue where the pickaxe would become unresponsive if players requeued actions mid swing.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Soldier's Shockwave damage to be delayed.
  • The Outlander's Shock Tower now correctly displays its lightning visual FX when attacking.


  • Can cycle through survivor squads without backing out.
  • Can clear out all members in a survivor squad from a single action.
  • Added keybinds to pop-up context menus.

Bug Fixes

  • Dragon Daze tactical perk no longer specifies Ninja.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Recycling node 2 and 3 in the skill tree to not display Collection Book upgrades under bonuses.
  • Fixed issue where pinning the Cruise Control Quest didn't show the Ride the Hoverboard objective on the HUD when not completed.
  • Schematic recycling and evolution is now temporarily blocked while the item is in the crafting queue.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed audio volumes of mission rewards music.
  • Removed music event from Supply Drop.
  • Fixed the issue with music abruptly switching and sounding too loud.
    • Added a second mix to alternate between the intro being more victorious and the other, which is more subdued.
  • Fixed dialog attenuating sound FX and also not being played through the Voice slider.
  • Fixed the loud music transition to mission rewards.
  • Fixed the bonus success music event so that the high frequencies are less pronounced.
  • Fixed the combat/score music periodically starting/stopping.
  • Fixed the loot tab restarting the music every time you switched to it.
  • Fixed the loot tab music getting stuck on.

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PRO GAMER: Fortnite Update's Patch Notes Released, Servers Back Online
Fortnite Update's Patch Notes Released, Servers Back Online
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