EA Sports UFC 3 Review

The Crit Story - 56% Graphics - 75% Audio - 79% Gameplay - 60% Replayability - 91% 72 % Good Game Use...

The Crit

Story - 56%
Graphics - 75%
Audio - 79%
Gameplay - 60%
Replayability - 91%


Good Game

User Rating: 3.5 1 votes)
Trying to get UFC fighting techniques onto a simulated environment controlled by limited buttons seems nearly impossible in my opinion, the first two UFC titles were poor to say the least, but has EA made a comeback with the newest title in the series;: UFC3!
In order to give a review that is not entirely comparing the latest title to the older ones, I would like to state upfront that this title is better than the previous UFC titles.
Majority of this game will probably be spent on your feet, mostly because the grappling in this game is weak, very very weak. The complexity of trying to navigate on the ground give the user a feeling of complete confusion (Or me at least) and it ends up looking like 2 dangerous dudes/ladies hugging it out on the floor. The submission holds are near impossible to get and if you do successfully get your opponent in an arm-bar or triangle then it was probably luck and you’ll never get it again. I have no doubt that the 10 000 hour rule applies here, time spent in order to perfect the art of UFC3’s submissions.
Graphically, they nailed it. Every fighter looks ideal to their beaten, bloodied and bruised real life counterparts. EA have created one of the most fluid combat genre games I have seen in a while. The hand to hand combat is a massive part of the game and proves to be a positive in the title. The strikes are fluid and smooth, with the minor animation lag every now and then. The only issue I have here was that during the rounds, the actual injuries to the face sometimes looked pretty unrealistic and over-exaggerated (Yes, I do watch UFC and been punched a few times, so I know what a blue eye looks like). Otherwise, the game has proven to be a graphic masterpiece, from the way the fighters interact, octagon detail, ringside crew, cutscenes… the list goes on and on.
The career mode in this title is more comprehensive and engaging. The character creator is decent, nothing to write home about, but I can be some fine. There is a lot of UFC production value behind the mode, balancing a fighting game on how it should be. Majority of the game mode is spent training, trying to create different fighting styles and grow your presence as a social media king. The fights are a minor part of the career mode, which essentially is realistic as it gets. The buildup hype and presence on social media talking smack to build up to the fight, the insane events and rematch interviews all create the realistic feel of what a fighter would go through.
Overall, this game really lived up to its expectation, well my expectation. It is still as hard as ever, like I suck at it so much, but it is a lot more engaging and fun. With the dynamics of the actual fights becoming more realistic, I imagine a bright future for this title and especially if EA gets bought out by Microsoft as reported. Also, if that happens, perhaps they would take away the recently added microtransactions .


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PRO GAMER: EA Sports UFC 3 Review
EA Sports UFC 3 Review
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