PC's Sea Of Thieves Requirements, Recommended Specs Announced

     From 540p to 4K, here's what your PC will need. Sea of Thieves  is often bandied about as an exclusive to  Xbox One , ...

     From 540p to 4K, here's what your PC will need.

Sea of Thieves is often bandied about as an exclusive to Xbox One, but it's only a console exclusive; the seafaring pirate game is also coming to PC. Following earlier technical tests, official system requirements and recommended specs have been shared, and they truly run the gamut.
Microsoft and developer Rare have shared a wide range of possible specs for running Sea of Thieves on PC. What it describes as the minimum requirements involve running the game at 720p and 30 FPS. Doing so requires an Intel Q9450 or AMD Phenom II X6 and 4 GB of RAM. It also divides up the suggested video cards into "GPU" and "modern GPU" categories; the former calls for a 1 GB GTX 650 or AMD Radeon 7750, while the "modern" cards start with a GTX 1030 or R7 450. Unusually, we also get a hard drive speed suggestion too; you'll need 60 GB free on a 5,400 RPM drive.
From there, the specs scale up to the recommended level of 1080p and 60 FPS, which requires an i5 4960 or FX 8150, 8 GB of RAM, and a GTX 1060 or RX 470 (for modern GPUs), and a 7,200 RPM hard drive. The highest end provides the necessary specs to run the game at 4K and 60 FPS: an i7 4790 or Ryzen 5 1600, 16 GB of RAM, a GTX 1080 TI or RX Vega 64, and an SSD.

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There are also requirements outlined for a slightly...lesser experience. Rare previously promised Sea of Thieves support for 540p with a 15 FPS lock. In this list of specs, we see the necessary hardware to run the game at 540p and 30 FPS with the minimum graphics setting, which is dubbed "Cursed." For this, you'll need an Intel Iris Pro Graphics 6200 or Iris 540, 4 GB of RAM, and integrated graphics. And, like all other specs, 60 GB of hard drive space and DirectX 11 support are still required.
Sea of Thieves launches on March 20 on PC and Xbox One. For those with Xbox Game Pass, Sea of Thieves will be available as part of the subscription program on day one. That gets you access to not just the Xbox One version, but the PC version as well. Special Sea of Thieves-themed Xbox One accessories will also launch alongside the game


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PRO GAMER: PC's Sea Of Thieves Requirements, Recommended Specs Announced
PC's Sea Of Thieves Requirements, Recommended Specs Announced
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